Selected publications
- Bjermo J, Fackle-Fornius E, Miller F (2025).
Optimizing calibration designs with uncertainty in abilities.
British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, to appear (online available).
- Miller F, Fackle-Fornius E (2024).
Parallel optimal calibration of mixed-format items for achievement tests.
Psychometrika, 89, 903 928.
- Ul Hassan M, Miller F (2024).
Optimal calibration of items for multidimensional achievement tests.
Journal of Educational Measurement, 61, 274-302.
- Tsirpitzi RE, Miller F, Burman CF (2023).
Robust optimal designs using a model misspecification term.
Metrika, 86, 781-804.
- Tsirpitzi RE, Miller F (2021).
Optimal dose-finding for efficacy-safety-models.
Biometrical Journal, 63, 1185-1201.
- Ul Hassan M, Miller F (2021).
An exchange algorithm for optimal calibration of items in computerized achievement tests.
Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 157: 107177.
- Ul Hassan M, Miller F (2019).
Optimal item calibration for computerized achievement tests.
Psychometrika, 84, 1101-1128.
- Miller F, Zohar S, Stallard N, Madan J, Posch M, Hee SW, Pearce M, Vågerö M, Day S (2018).
Approaches to sample size calculation for clinical trials in rare diseases.
Pharmaceutical Statistics, 17, 214-230. A pre-peer reviewed version is available at Warwick University.
- Posch M, Klinglmueller F, König F, Miller F (2018).
Estimation after blinded sample size reassessment.
Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 27, 1830-1846.
- Broberg P, Miller F (2017).
Conditional estimation in two-stage adaptive designs.
Biometrics, 73, 895-904.
The author version of the paper is available on arXiv.
- Fackle-Fornius E, Miller F, Nyquist H (2015).
Implementation of maximin efficient designs in dose-finding studies.
Pharmaceutical Statistics, 14, 63-73.
- Friede T, Miller F (2012).
Blinded continuous monitoring
of the nuisance parameter in clinical trials.
J. Royal Stat. Soc. Series C, 61, 601-618.
- Miller F (2010).
dose-finding: proof of concept with type I error control. Biometrical
Journal, 52, 577-589.
- Miller F, Friede T, Kieser M (2009).
Blinded assessment of treatment effects utilizing information about the
randomization block length. Statistics in Medicine, 28, 1690-1706.
- Miller F, Guilbaud O, Dette H (2007).
designs for estimating the interesting part of a dose-effect
curve. Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics, 17,
1097-1115. Link
to preprint (at Ruhr-Universit t Bochum).
- Bischoff W, Miller F (2006).
Optimal designs which are efficient for
lack of fit tests. Annals of
Statistics, 34, 2015-2025.
- Miller F (2005).
estimation in clinical studies with interim sample size
re-estimation. Biometrics, 61, 355-361.
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