Publications of Frank Miller
Publications in peer-reviewed journals
- Bjermo J, Fackle-Fornius E, Miller F (2025).
Optimizing calibration designs with uncertainty in abilities.
British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, to appear (online available).
- Miller F, Fackle-Fornius E (2024).
Parallel optimal calibration of mixed-format items for achievement tests.
Psychometrika, 89, 903 928.
- Ul Hassan M, Miller F (2024).
Optimal calibration of items for multidimensional achievement tests.
Journal of Educational Measurement, 61, 274-302.
- Tsirpitzi RE, Miller F, Burman CF (2023).
Robust optimal designs using a model misspecification term.
Metrika, 86, 781-804.
- Ul Hassan M, Miller F (2022).
Discrimination with unidimensional and multidimensional item response theory models for educational data.
Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, 51, 2992-3012.
- Bjermo J, Miller F (2021).
Efficient estimation of mean ability growth using vertical scaling.
Applied Measurement in Education, 34, 163-178.
- Tsirpitzi RE, Miller F (2021).
Optimal dose-finding for efficacy-safety-models.
Biometrical Journal, 63, 1185-1201.
- Ul Hassan M, Miller F (2021).
An exchange algorithm for optimal calibration of items in computerized achievement tests.
Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 157: 107177.
- Ul Hassan M, Miller F (2019).
Optimal item calibration for computerized achievement tests.
Psychometrika, 84, 1101-1128.
- Friede T, Posch M, Zohar S, Alberti C, Benda N, Comets E, Day S, Dmitrienko A, Graf A, G nhan BK, Hee SW, Lentz F, Madan J, Miller F, Ondra T, Pearce M, R ver C, Toumazi A, Unkel S, Ursino M, Wassmer G, Stallard N (2018).
Recent advances in methodology for clinical trials in small populations: the InSPiRe project.
Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases 13: 186.
- Miller F, Burman CF (2018).
A decision theoretical modeling for Phase III investments and drug licensing.
Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics, 28, 698-721.
- Miller F, Zohar S, Stallard N, Madan J, Posch M, Hee SW, Pearce M, Vågerö M, Day S (2018).
Approaches to sample size calculation for clinical trials in rare diseases.
Pharmaceutical Statistics, 17, 214-230. A pre-peer reviewed version is available at Warwick University.
- Pearce M, Hee SW, Madan J, Posch M, Day S, Miller F, Zohar S, Stallard N (2018).
Value of information methods to design a clinical trial in a small population to optimise a health economic utility function.
BMC Medical Research Methodology, 18: 20.
- Posch M, Klinglmueller F, König F, Miller F (2018).
Estimation after blinded sample size reassessment.
Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 27, 1830-1846.
- Broberg P, Miller F (2017).
Conditional estimation in two-stage adaptive designs.
Biometrics, 73, 895-904.
The author version of the paper is available on arXiv.
- Hee SW, Willis A, Smith CT, Day S, Miller F, Madan J, Posch M, Zohar S, Stallard N (2017).
Does the low prevalence affect the sample size of interventional clinical trials of rare diseases? An analysis of data from the aggregate analysis of
Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases, 12: 44.
- Stallard N, Miller F, Day S, Hee SW, Madan J, Zohar S, Posch M (2017).
Determination of the optimal size for a clinical trial accounting for the population size.
Biometrical Journal, 59, 609-625.
- Hee SW, Hamborg T, Day S, Madan J, Miller F, Posch M, Zohar S, Stallard N (2016).
Decision theoretic designs for small trials and pilot studies: a review.
Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 25, 1022-1038.
- Ondra T, Dmitrienko A, Friede T, Graf A, Miller F, Stallard N, Posch M (2016).
Methods for identification and confirmation of targeted subgroups in clinical trials: a systematic review.
Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics, 26, 99-119.
- Fackle-Fornius E, Miller F, Nyquist H (2015).
Implementation of maximin efficient designs in dose-finding studies.
Pharmaceutical Statistics, 14, 63-73.
- Karin A, Hannesdottir K, Jaeger J, Annas P, Segerdahl M, Karlsson P, Sj gren N, von Rosen T, Miller F (2014).
Psychometric evaluation of ADAS-Cog and NTB for measuring drug response.
Acta Neurologica Scandinavica, 129, 114-122.
- Miller F, Björnsson M, Svensson O, Karlsten R (2014).
Experiences with an adaptive design for a dose-finding study in patients with osteoarthritis.
Contemporary Clinical Trials, 37, 189-199.
- Miner PB Jr, Silberg DG, Ruth M, Miller F, Pandolfino J (2014).
Dose-dependent effects of lesogaberan on reflux measures in patients with refractory gastroesophageal reflux disease: a randomized, placebo-controlled study.
BMC Gastroenterology, 14: 188.
- Fransson B, Silberg DG, Niazi M, Miller F, Ruth M, Aurell Holmberg A (2012).
Effect of food on the bioavailability of lesogaberan given as an oral solution or as modified-release capsules in healthy male volunteers. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 50, 307-314.
- Friede T, Miller F (2012).
Blinded continuous monitoring
of the nuisance parameter in clinical trials.
J. Royal Stat. Soc. Series C, 61, 601-618.
- Kalliomäki J, Miller F, Kågedal M, Karlsten R (2012).
Early phase drug development for treatment of chronic pain
new options for clinical trial and program design. Contemporary Clinical Trials, 33, 689-699.
- Bischoff W, Miller F (2010).
D-optimally lack-of-fit-tests-efficient designs with an application to a fertilizer-response-relationship. (login required for complete article)
Journal of Statistics and Applications, 5, 119-137.
- Dragalin V, Bornkamp B, Bretz F, Miller F, Padmanabhan SK, Patel N, Perevozskaya I, Pinheiro J, Smith JR (2010).
A simulation study to compare new adaptive dose-ranging designs. Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Research, 2, 487-512.
- Miller F (2010).
dose-finding: proof of concept with type I error control. Biometrical
Journal, 52, 577-589.
- Niazi M, Silberg DG, Miller F, Ruth M, Aurell Holmberg A (2010).
Evaluation of the pharmacokinetic interaction
between lesogaberan (AZD3355), a novel reflux inhibitor, and esomeprazole in healthy subjects. Drugs in R&D, 10(4), 243-251.
- Peuskens J, Trivedi J, Brecher M, Miller F on behalf of the Study 4 investigators (2010).
symptomatic remission of schizophrenia with once-daily extended release quetiapine fumarate: post-hoc analysis of data from
a randomised withdrawal, placebo-controlled study. Int Clin Psychopharmacol. 25(3), 183-187.
- Pinheiro J, Sax F, Antonijevic Z, Bornkamp B, Bretz F,
Chuang-Stein C, Dragalin V, Fardipour P, Gallo P, Gillespie W, Hsu CH, Miller F, Padmanabhan SK, Patel N, Perevozskaya I,
Roy A, Sanil A, Smith JR (2010).
Adaptive and model-based dose-ranging trials:
quantitative evaluation and recommendations. Statistics in Biopharmaceutical
Research, 2, 435-454. Rejoinder p.466-468.
- Bischoff W, Miller F (2009).
seamless phase II/III design with sample-size re-estimation. Journal of
Biopharmaceutical Statistics, 19,595-609.
- Miller F, Friede T, Kieser M (2009).
assessment of treatment effects utilizing information about the
randomization block length. Statistics in Medicine, 28, 1690-1706.
- Newcomer J, Ratner R, Eriksson J, Emsley R, Meulien D, Miller F, Leonova-Edlund J, Leong R, Brecher M (2009).
A 24-week, multicenter, open-label,
randomized study to compare changes in glucose metabolism in patients with schizophrenia receiving treatment with olanzapine,
quetiapine and risperidone.
J Clin Psychiatry 70(4), 487-499.
- Möller HJ, Johnson S, Mateva T, Brecher M, Svensson O, Miller F, Meulien D (2008).
of the feasibility of switching from immediate release quetiapine to
extended release quetiapine fumarate in stable outpatients with schizophrenia.
International Clinical Psychopharmacology, 23 (2), 95-105.
- Miller F, Guilbaud O, Dette H (2007).
designs for estimating the interesting part of a dose-effect
curve. Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics, 17,
1097-1115. Link
to preprint (at Ruhr-Universit t Bochum).
- Peuskens J, Trivedi J, Malyarov S, Brecher M, Svensson O, Miller F, Persson I, Meulien D
on behalf of the study D1444C00004 investigators (2007).
Prevention of schizophrenia relapse with
extended release quetiapine fumarate dosed once daily: a randomized, placebo-controlled trial in clinically stable patients.
Psychiatry, 4, 34-50.
- Bischoff W, Miller F (2006).
lack of fit designs that are
optimal to estimate the highest coefficient of a polynomial. Journal of
Statistical Planning and Inference, 136, 4239-4249.
- Bischoff W, Miller F (2006).
Lack-of-fit-efficiently optimal designs
to estimate the highest coefficient of a polynomial with large
degree. Statistics and Probability Letters, 15, 1701-1704.
- Bischoff W, Miller F (2006).
Optimal designs which are efficient for
lack of fit tests. Annals of
Statistics, 34, 2015-2025.
- Bischoff W, Hashorva E, Hüsler J, Miller F (2005).
Analsis of a
change-point regression problem in quality control by partial sums processes and
Kolmogorov type tests. Metrika, 62, 85-98.
- Bischoff W, Miller F (2005).
Adaptive two stage test procedures to
find the best treatment in clinical trials. Biometrika, 92, 197-212.
- Miller F (2005).
estimation in clinical studies with interim sample size
re-estimation. Biometrics, 61, 355-361.
Link to preprint.
- Bischoff W, Hashorva E, Hüsler J, Miller F (2004).
the power of the Kolmogorov test to detect the trend of a Brownian bridge with applications to a
change-point problem in regression models. Statistics &
Probability Letters, 66, 105-115.
- Bischoff W, Hashorva E, H sler J, Miller F (2003).
asymptotics for boundary crossings of the Brownian bridge with trend with
application to the Kolmogorov test. Annals of the Institute of Statistical
Mathematics, 55, 849-864.
- Bischoff W, Miller F, Hashorva E, Hüsler J (2003).
Asymptotics of
a boundary crossing probability of a Brownian bridge with general
trend. Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability, 5, 271-287.
- Bischoff W, Miller F (2002).
A minimax two stage procedure for
comparing treatments: looking at a hybrid test and estimation problem as a
whole. Statistica Sinica, 12, 1133-1144.
- Friede T, Miller F, Bischoff W, Kieser M (2001).
A note on change
point estimation in dose-response trials. Computational
Statistics and Data Analysis, 37, 219-232.
- Bischoff W, Miller F (2000).
Asymptotically optimal tests and optimal
designs for testing the mean in regression models with applications to
change-point problems. Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics,
52, 658-679.
- Friede T, Kieser M, Miller F (2000).
the recovery from depressive illness by an exponential model with mixed effects. Methods of
Information in Medicine, 39, 12-15.
Book chapters, book review and discussion-paper
- Miller F (2015).
When is an adaptive design useful in clinical dose-finding trials?
In Fackle-Fornius E, editor, Festschrift in Honor of Hans Nyquist on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday. Department of Statistics, Stockholm University.
- Gaydos B, Koch A, Miller F, Posch M, Vandemeulebroecke M, Wang SJ (2012).
Perspective on adaptive designs: 4 years European Medicines Agency reflection paper, 1 year draft US FDA guidance where are we now?
Clinical Investigation, 2, 235-240.
- Burman CF, Miller F, Wong KW (2010).
Improving dose-finding a philosophic view.
Book chapter in Handbook of Adaptive Designs in Pharmaceutical and Clinical Development by Pong, A., Chow, S.C.
- Miller F, Wiklund SJ (2008).
Book review:
Adaptive design methods in clinical trials. Shein-Chung Chow and Mark Chang,
Chapman & Hall/CRC, Boca Raton, FL, 2007. Statistics in Medicine, 27, 4611-4612.
Open access computer program
- Ul Hassan M, Miller F (2023). optical: Optimal Item Calibration. R package.
- Miller F (2010). Program for adaptive multiple contrast tests and other test considered
in my article "Adaptive dose-finding: proof of concept with type I error control." (Biometrical Journal).
Program was peer-reviewed. Open access.
- Wiklund SJ, Ytterstad M, Miller F (2025).
Project portfolio planning in the pharmaceutical industry - strategic objectives and quantitative optimization. arXiv preprint arXiv:2502.09527.
- Sigfrid K, Fackle-Fornius E, Miller F (2024).
Estimating abilities with an Elo-informed growth model. arXiv preprint arXiv:2411.07028.
- Bjermo J, Fackle-Fornius E, Miller F (2024).
Optimal item calibration in the context of the Swedish Scholastic Aptitude Test. arXiv preprint arXiv:2410.09808.
Monographs in German (PhD and diploma thesis)
- Miller F (2002).
Versuchspl ne bei Einschr nkungen in der Versuchspunktwahl (Optimal experimental
designs under constraints in German). PhD thesis. Fakult t f r
Mathematik Universit t Karlsruhe.
- Miller F (1997).
Change-point-Probleme im Regressionsmodell und optimale
Versuchsplanung (Change-point-problems in regression models and optimal
experimental design in German). Diploma thesis. Fakult t f r Mathematik
- Universit t Karlsruhe.
Citations report
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