Talks of Frank Miller
Conference talks (invited and contributed)
- Optimal item calibration with the R-package optical
Conference: 38th IRT workshop (Twente, The Netherlands, 2024)
- Parallel optimal calibration of mixed-format items for achievement tests
Conference: FREMO (Oslo, Norway, 2023)
- About c- and D-optimal dose-finding designs for bivariate outcomes
Conference: mODa 13 (Southampton, UK, 2023)
- Parallel optimal calibration for Swedish national tests in school
Conference: 36th IRT workshop (Twente, The Netherlands, 2022)
- Optimal pretesting of questions for Swedish national tests in school
Webex of the Cramérsällskapet, section of the Swedish Statistical Association (Sweden, 2022)
- Optimal pretesting of questions for Swedish national tests in school
Conference: COMPSTAT (Bologna, Italy, 2022)
- Optimal dose finding for efficacy-safety-models of Emax-type
Conference: DAGStat (Hamburg, Germany, 2022)
- Optimal item calibration designs for computerized achievment tests
Conference: DAGStat (Munich, Germany, 2019)
- Applied decision theory for clinical trials in small populations
Conference: Nordstat (Copenhagen, Danmark, 2016)
- Optimizing the design of a dose-finding trial: theoretical methods and practical aspects
Conference: EFSPI European Statistical Meeting on Dose Selection in Late Stage Clinical Development (Brussels, Belgium, 2015)
- Adaptive dose-finding with control of familywise error rate and power
Conference: Multiple comparisons procedures (Hyderabad, India, 2015)
- Adaptive dose-finding with power control
Conference: Design and Analysis of Experiments in Healthcare (INI, Cambridge, UK, 2015)
- Sample size re-estimation and continuous monitoring of the variance in longitudinal trials
Conference: Adaptive Designs and Multiple Testing Procedures (Basel, Switzerland, 2014)
- Maximin efficient designs for estimating the interesting part of a dose-effect curve
Conference: 6th International Conference of the ERCIM WG on Computational and Methodological Statistics (London, UK, 2013)
- Optimizing clinical trial designs using ideas from optimal design theory
Conference: Clinical Trials in CNS (London, UK, 2012)
- Optimal experimental designs: Applications to clinical studies
Conference: Jubileumsmöte FMS (Swedish Society for Medical Statistics) (Utö, Sweden, 2012)
- Blinded continuous monitoring of the nuisance parameter in clinical trials
Conference: Adaptive designs and multiple testing procedures workshop (Heidelberg, Germany, 2012)
- Adaptive dose-finding: proof of concept with type I error control
Conference: Second Conference of the Central European Network (Zürich, Switzerland, 2011)
- Adaptive dose-finding in Phase IIa/b: An approach for design and type I error control
Conference: The second international symposium on biopharmaceutical statistics (Berlin, Germany, 2011)
- Blinded Information-based monitoring in clinical trials
Conference: IMS (Gothenburg, Sweden, 2010)
- Adaptive dose-finding designs in Phase IIa/b
Conference: Workshop on dose-finding methodology in early phase clinical trials (Reading, UK, 2010)
- Data analysis and trial adaptation for dose-finding studies
Conference: ViB events, Adaptive trials (Brussels, Belgium, 2009)
- Adaptive dose-finding with application of a trend test controlling the type I error
Conference: Workshop Adaptive Design (Warwick, UK, 2009)
- When is an adaptive design useful for dose-finding?
Conference: 55.Biometrisches Kolloquium (Hannover, Germany, 2009)
- Implementing Dose Ranging Studies
Conference: Adaptive trials in Clinical Drug Development (London, UK, 2009)
- Adaptive Dose Finding Strategies Technical Side
Conference: DIA Clinical Forum (Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2008)
- Blinded assessment of treatment effects utilizing information about the randomisation procedure
Conference: LifeStat 2008 (Munich, Germany, 2008)
- An adaptive design for dose-finding
Conference: ViB events, Adaptive trials (Barcelona, Spain, 2007)
- Estimating the interesting part of the dose effect curve: When is a Bayesian adaptive design useful?
Conference: Multiple comparisons procedures (Vienna, Austria, 2007)
- Case study: An adaptive design for dose-finding
Conference: Adaptive designs for clinical development summit (Hamburg, Germany, 2007)
- Adaptive designs: Risks and opportunities.
Conference: DIA Annual meeting (Philadelphia, USA, 2006)
- Optimal design which are efficient for lack of fit tests.
Conference: Joint DSBS/FMS workshop: Statistical Issues in Drug Development (Copenhagen, Denmark, 2006)
- A two stage procedure including choice of treatment, sample size re-estimation and possibility of early stopping after stage one.
Conference: Adaptive designs (Mainz, Germany, 2004)
- Variance estimation in clinical studies with interim sample size re-estimation
Conference: Adaptive designs (Cologne, Germany, 2003)
- An optimal two-stage design with adaptive sample size for comparing two treatments with a control.
Conference: Adaptive designs (Marburg, Germany, 2002)
- A minimax two-stage procedure for comparing treatments: extensions important to practice.
Conference: Frontiers in adaptive designs (Vienna, Austria, 2001)
- Efficiency of the Kolmogoroff test in an asymptotic model of a nonlinear regression model.
Conference: Hamburger Stochastik-Tage (Hamburg, Germany, 2000)
- Optimal design under the restriction of different observation points with application in change-point regression.
Conference: Experimental design: theory and applications (Oberwolfach, Germany, 1998)
Research seminar talks at academia (invited)
- Parallel optimal pretesting of mixed-format questions for achievement tests
Chalmers University of Technology and University of Gothenburg (May 2023)
- An adaptive algorithm to determine pretesting designs for achievement tests
Stockholm University, Department of Statistics (March 2020)
- Optimal pretesting of questions in large achievement tests
KU Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, Department of Mathematics (July 2019)
- Applied decision theoretic designs for clinical studies
Stockholm University, Department of Statistics (January 2018)
- Optimal design for dose-finding in clinical trials
Linköping University, Division of Statistics and Machine Learning (April 2017)
- Approaches to sample size calculation for clinical trials in small populations
Stockholm University, Department of Statistics (February 2016)
- Optimal Experimental Designs Applied to Dose-Response Studies
Uppsala University, Department of Statistics (January 2015)
- Applied sequential designs and statistical issues
Stockholm University, Department of Statistics (November 2013)
- Statistical Aspects of Adaptive Designs in Clinical Studies
Linköping University, Division of mathematical statistics (March 2013)
- Statistical Aspects of Adaptive Designs in Clinical Studies
Stockholm University, Division of mathematical statistics (March 2013)
- Sample size re-estimation and bias
Medical University of Vienna, Department of Medical Statistics (January 2013)
- Adaptive sample size re-estimation in clinical studies
Uppsala University, Department of Mathematical Statistics (November 2012)
- Adaptive sample size re-estimation in clinical studies
Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Department of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics (September 2012)
- Applications of optimal design ideas in drug development
Stockholm University, Department of Statistics (March 2012)
- Blinded continuous monitoring of the nuisance parameter in clinical trials
KTH, Stockholm, Division of mathematical statistics (October 2011)
- Optimal and adaptive designs for dose-finding studies
Stockholm University, Division of mathematical statistics (February 2008)