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Talks of Frank Miller

Conference talks (invited and contributed)

  1. Optimal item calibration with the R-package optical
    Conference: 38th IRT workshop (Twente, The Netherlands, 2024)
  2. Parallel optimal calibration of mixed-format items for achievement tests
    Conference: FREMO (Oslo, Norway, 2023)
  3. About c- and D-optimal dose-finding designs for bivariate outcomes
    Conference: mODa 13 (Southampton, UK, 2023)
  4. Parallel optimal calibration for Swedish national tests in school
    Conference: 36th IRT workshop (Twente, The Netherlands, 2022)
  5. Optimal pretesting of questions for Swedish national tests in school
    Webex of the Cramérsällskapet, section of the Swedish Statistical Association (Sweden, 2022)
  6. Optimal pretesting of questions for Swedish national tests in school
    Conference: COMPSTAT (Bologna, Italy, 2022)
  7. Optimal dose finding for efficacy-safety-models of Emax-type
    Conference: DAGStat (Hamburg, Germany, 2022)
  8. Optimal item calibration designs for computerized achievment tests
    Conference: DAGStat (Munich, Germany, 2019)
  9. Applied decision theory for clinical trials in small populations
    Conference: Nordstat (Copenhagen, Danmark, 2016)
  10. Optimizing the design of a dose-finding trial: theoretical methods and practical aspects
    Conference: EFSPI European Statistical Meeting on Dose Selection in Late Stage Clinical Development (Brussels, Belgium, 2015)
  11. Adaptive dose-finding with control of familywise error rate and power
    Conference: Multiple comparisons procedures (Hyderabad, India, 2015)
  12. Adaptive dose-finding with power control
    Conference: Design and Analysis of Experiments in Healthcare (INI, Cambridge, UK, 2015)
  13. Sample size re-estimation and continuous monitoring of the variance in longitudinal trials
    Conference: Adaptive Designs and Multiple Testing Procedures (Basel, Switzerland, 2014)
  14. Maximin efficient designs for estimating the interesting part of a dose-effect curve
    Conference: 6th International Conference of the ERCIM WG on Computational and Methodological Statistics (London, UK, 2013)
  15. Optimizing clinical trial designs using ideas from optimal design theory
    Conference: Clinical Trials in CNS (London, UK, 2012)
  16. Optimal experimental designs: Applications to clinical studies
    Conference: Jubileumsmöte FMS (Swedish Society for Medical Statistics) (Utö, Sweden, 2012)
  17. Blinded continuous monitoring of the nuisance parameter in clinical trials
    Conference: Adaptive designs and multiple testing procedures workshop (Heidelberg, Germany, 2012)
  18. Adaptive dose-finding: proof of concept with type I error control
    Conference: Second Conference of the Central European Network (Zürich, Switzerland, 2011)
  19. Adaptive dose-finding in Phase IIa/b: An approach for design and type I error control
    Conference: The second international symposium on biopharmaceutical statistics (Berlin, Germany, 2011)
  20. Blinded Information-based monitoring in clinical trials
    Conference: IMS (Gothenburg, Sweden, 2010)
  21. Adaptive dose-finding designs in Phase IIa/b
    Conference: Workshop on dose-finding methodology in early phase clinical trials (Reading, UK, 2010)
  22. Data analysis and trial adaptation for dose-finding studies
    Conference: ViB events, Adaptive trials (Brussels, Belgium, 2009)
  23. Adaptive dose-finding with application of a trend test controlling the type I error
    Conference: Workshop Adaptive Design (Warwick, UK, 2009)
  24. When is an adaptive design useful for dose-finding?
    Conference: 55.Biometrisches Kolloquium (Hannover, Germany, 2009)
  25. Implementing Dose Ranging Studies
    Conference: Adaptive trials in Clinical Drug Development (London, UK, 2009)
  26. Adaptive Dose Finding Strategies Technical Side
    Conference: DIA Clinical Forum (Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2008)
  27. Blinded assessment of treatment effects utilizing information about the randomisation procedure
    Conference: LifeStat 2008 (Munich, Germany, 2008)
  28. An adaptive design for dose-finding
    Conference: ViB events, Adaptive trials (Barcelona, Spain, 2007)
  29. Estimating the interesting part of the dose effect curve: When is a Bayesian adaptive design useful?
    Conference: Multiple comparisons procedures (Vienna, Austria, 2007)
  30. Case study: An adaptive design for dose-finding
    Conference: Adaptive designs for clinical development summit (Hamburg, Germany, 2007)
  31. Adaptive designs: Risks and opportunities.
    Conference: DIA Annual meeting (Philadelphia, USA, 2006)
  32. Optimal design which are efficient for lack of fit tests.
    Conference: Joint DSBS/FMS workshop: Statistical Issues in Drug Development (Copenhagen, Denmark, 2006)
  33. A two stage procedure including choice of treatment, sample size re-estimation and possibility of early stopping after stage one.
    Conference: Adaptive designs (Mainz, Germany, 2004)
  34. Variance estimation in clinical studies with interim sample size re-estimation
    Conference: Adaptive designs (Cologne, Germany, 2003)
  35. An optimal two-stage design with adaptive sample size for comparing two treatments with a control.
    Conference: Adaptive designs (Marburg, Germany, 2002)
  36. A minimax two-stage procedure for comparing treatments: extensions important to practice.
    Conference: Frontiers in adaptive designs (Vienna, Austria, 2001)
  37. Efficiency of the Kolmogoroff test in an asymptotic model of a nonlinear regression model.
    Conference: Hamburger Stochastik-Tage (Hamburg, Germany, 2000)
  38. Optimal design under the restriction of different observation points with application in change-point regression.
    Conference: Experimental design: theory and applications (Oberwolfach, Germany, 1998)

Research seminar talks at academia (invited)

  1. Parallel optimal pretesting of mixed-format questions for achievement tests
    Chalmers University of Technology and University of Gothenburg (May 2023)
  2. An adaptive algorithm to determine pretesting designs for achievement tests
    Stockholm University, Department of Statistics (March 2020)
  3. Optimal pretesting of questions in large achievement tests
    KU Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, Department of Mathematics (July 2019)
  4. Applied decision theoretic designs for clinical studies
    Stockholm University, Department of Statistics (January 2018)
  5. Optimal design for dose-finding in clinical trials
    Linköping University, Division of Statistics and Machine Learning (April 2017)
  6. Approaches to sample size calculation for clinical trials in small populations
    Stockholm University, Department of Statistics (February 2016)
  7. Optimal Experimental Designs Applied to Dose-Response Studies
    Uppsala University, Department of Statistics (January 2015)
  8. Applied sequential designs and statistical issues
    Stockholm University, Department of Statistics (November 2013)
  9. Statistical Aspects of Adaptive Designs in Clinical Studies
    Linköping University, Division of mathematical statistics (March 2013)
  10. Statistical Aspects of Adaptive Designs in Clinical Studies
    Stockholm University, Division of mathematical statistics (March 2013)
  11. Sample size re-estimation and bias
    Medical University of Vienna, Department of Medical Statistics (January 2013)
  12. Adaptive sample size re-estimation in clinical studies
    Uppsala University, Department of Mathematical Statistics (November 2012)
  13. Adaptive sample size re-estimation in clinical studies
    Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Department of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics (September 2012)
  14. Applications of optimal design ideas in drug development
    Stockholm University, Department of Statistics (March 2012)
  15. Blinded continuous monitoring of the nuisance parameter in clinical trials
    KTH, Stockholm, Division of mathematical statistics (October 2011)
  16. Optimal and adaptive designs for dose-finding studies
    Stockholm University, Division of mathematical statistics (February 2008)